Your donation supports Cushman members through awards, fellowships, and publications. For more information, please visit the Grants & Awards and Special Publications pages. Thank you for your contribution.
General Endowment Donation
Contributions are used by the Foundation for awards, publications, or events with the most need.
Buzas Award for Travel Endowment
Supports travel to visit the Cushman Collection of foraminifera at the Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, in Washington, D.C.
Johanna M. Resig Fellowship
Awarded annually to advance doctoral students planning a career in foraminifera.
Joseph A. Cushman Award for Student Travel
Many Joseph A. Cushman awards are given each year to help finance graduate and undergraduate student travel.
Joseph A. Cushman Student Research Awards
Many Joseph A. Cushman awards are given each year to help finance graduate and undergraduate student research.
Loeblich and Tappan Student Research Awards
Support graduate and undergraduate research in a variety of protists.
Retiree Research/Travel Grants
Retired members of the Cushman Foundation without other financial resources may apply for funds up to $2000 for research and travel dealing with any aspect of living or fossil foraminifera or other protists, such as diatoms, coccolithophorids, dinoflagellates, acritarchs, or radiolaria.
Sliter Student Research Awards
Assists graduate students in their research on Mesozoic or Cenozoic foraminifera.
Special Publication Series
Longer publications, such as atlases and systematics, are made possible through the Cushman Foundation’s Special Publications series.