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Archival Publications

Special Publications - Archival Publications

No. 1. An Eocene foraminiferal fauna from the Agua Fresca shale of Magallanes Province, southernmost Chile

Ruth Todd and Hedwig T. Kniker. September 2, 1952. 28 pp., 4 pls., 1 map.

No. 2. Ecology of Foraminifera from San Antonio Bay and environs, southwest Texas
Frances L. Parker, Fred B Phleger and Jean F. Peirson. January 29, 1953. 75 pp., 4 pls.

No. 3. Recent Foraminifera and Thecamoebina from the eastern Gulf of Paria, Trinidad
Ruth Todd and Paul Bronnimann April 30, 1957. 43 pp., 12 pls.

No. 4. Mio-Oligocene (Aquitanian) Foraminifera from the Goajira Peninsula, Columbia
Leroy E. Becker and A. N. Dusenbury, Jr. February 15, 1958. 48 pp., 7 pls., 3 tables.

No. 5. Ecology of Living Benthonic Foraminifera from the San Diego, California, Area
Takayasu Uchio. April 20, 1960. 72 pp., 10 pls., 9 tables, 18 text figures.

No. 11. Smaller Missippian and Lower Pennsylvanian calcareous Foraminifers from Nevada
Paul L. Brenckle. February 7, 1973. 82 pp., 10 pls., 7 tables, 14 text figures.

No. 12. Planktonic foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Corsicana Formation (Maestrichtian) North-central Texas
Charles C. Smith and Emile A. Pessagno, Jr. September 24, 1973. 68 pp., 27 pls., 24 text figures.

No. 13. Dissolution of deep-sea carbonates
William V. Sliter, Allan W. H. Be and Wolfgang H. Berger, eds. January 1975. 159 pp., 20 pls.

No. 14. Gulf of Mexico deep-water Foraminifers
Charles E. Pflum and William E. Frerichs. June 30, 1976. 125 pp., 8 pls., 28 text figures, 10 tables.

No. 16. A guide to modern Radiolaria.
Catherine Naigrin and T.C. Moore, Jr. March, 1979. 342 p., 28 pls.

No. 16A. Modern radiolarian global distributions.
Gail Lombardi and Gary Boden. February 22, 1985. 125 pp., 101 maps.

No. 17. Quantitative studies of marsh foraminiferal distributions in Nova Scotia: Implications for sea level studies
D. B. Scott and F. S. Medioli. April 17, 1980. 58 pp., 5 pls., 22 text figures, 4 tables.

No. 19. Studies in marine micropaleontology and paleoecology: a memorial Vol. to Orville L. Bandy.
William V. Sliter, ed. August 1, 1980. 300 pp., 30 pls., 99 text figures, 17 tables.

No. 21. Holocene Arcellacea (Thecameobians) from eastern Canada.
F.S. Medioli and D. B. Scott. November 16, 1983. 63 pp., 7 pls., 12 figs.

No. 22. A guide to Miocene Radiolaria.
Catherine Nigrini and Gail Lombardi. April 27, 1984. 422 pp., 33 pls.

No. 24. Timing and depositional history of eustatic sequences: constraints on seismic stratigraphy.
Charles A. Ross and Drew Haman., eds. 1987. 228 pp., 7 fold-out charts.

No. 25. Micropaleontology of Miocene sediments in the shallow subsurface of Onslow Bay, North Carolina continental shelf.
Scott W. Snyder, ed. June 2, 1988. 189 pp., 31 pls.

No. 26. Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Ontong-Java plateau (western equatorial Pacific Ocean):
faunal response to changing paleoenvironments.

J. Otto Hermelin. May 1989. 143 pp., 17 pls., 16 text figures, 8 tables.

No. 28. Atlas of California Neogene foraminifera.
Kenneth L. Finger. November 1990. 271 pp., 128 pls., 2 figs., 2 tables.

No. 29. Biostratigraphic atlas of Miocene foraminifera from the Monterey and Modelo Formations, central and southern California.
Kenneth L. Finger. May, 1992. 179 pp., 39 pls. 33 text-figures, 15 tables.

No. 31. Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea.
Alfred R. Loebich and Helen Tappan. March 1994. 661 pp., 398 pls., 5 figures.

No. 32. Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifera: taxonomy, ecology and stratigraphy.
In honor of Rolf W. Feyling-Hanssen on his 75th birthday. July 24, 1993.

Hans Petter Sejrup and Karen Luise Knudsen, eds. May 11, 1994. 159 pp., 13 pls.

No. 34. The generic revision of five families of rotaliine foraminifera.
Part 1 -- The Bolivinitidae. Part 2 -- The Anomalinidae, Alabaminidae, Cancrisidae and Gavelinellidae.

Stefan A. Revets. May 1996. 113 pp., 31 pls.

Contributions to the
Cushman Foundation
for Foraminiferal Research

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