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Excellence in Foraminiferal Research

The Joseph A. Cushman Award
for Excellence in Foraminiferal Research

Nominations are sought for the Joseph A. Cushman Award, which was established to honor living researchers who have made outstanding contributions in the field of foraminiferology. Nominations are considered at the Cushman Foundation Board of Director's annual business meeting, which occurs each year in conjunction with the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. A nomination letter and up to three support letters should each be a maximum of two pages. The nomination letter must include a 300-word summary of the candidate’s achievements in the study of foraminifera, impact on the international research community, and influence as a mentor and/or educator. Each nomination should include the nominee’s CV and must be merged into a single pdf document and submitted to with “Cushman Award nomination” in the subject line. The nominator of the awardee will have primary responsibility for writing the citation to be read at the Cushman Foundation Annual Reception. Nominations and supporting letters received by 15 September will be considered during the subsequent CF Board of Director's business meeting. Nominations received after 15 September will be considered during the following calendar year. Nominations may remain active for up to three years.

Award Recipients

1980 - Fred B Phleger and M. Ruth Todd
1981 - Frances L. Parker
1982 - Helen Tappan and Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr.
1983 - W. Storrs Cole
1984 - Hans Martin Bolli and Paul Brvnnimann
1985 - Lloyd G. Henbest and Dagmar M. Rauser-Chernousova
1986 - Heinrich Hiltermann
1987 - Frederick T. Banner
1988 - Esteban Boltovskoy
1989 - Zeev Reiss
1991 - Cornelis Willem Drooger
1992 - Valery A. Krasheninnikov
1993 - Yokichi Takayanagi
1994 - Charles Geoffrey Adams
1995 - William A. Berggren
1996 - Sheng Jinzhang and Rolf W. Feyling-Hanssen
1997 - Lukas Hottinger
1998 - Ivan de Klasz
1999 - John J. Lee
2000 - Charles A. Ross
2001 - John Murray
2002 - Isabella Premoli Silva
2003 - Zheng Shouyi
2004 - Martin A. Buzas and Richard K. Olsson
2005 - Barun K. Sen Gupta
2006 - James P. Kennett and Jere H. Lipps
2007 - Louisette Zaninetti
2008 - George H. Scott
2009 - John Whittaker
2010 - Andrew J. Gooday
2011 - Christoph Hemleben
2012 - Khadyzhat M. Saidova
2013 - David B. Scott and Franco S. Medioli
2014 - Stephen J. Culver
2015 - Pamela Hallock
2016 - Hiroshi Kitizato
2017 - Bruce W. Hayward
2018 - Johnathan Erez
2019 - Valeria Mikhalevich
2020 - Ellen Thomas
2021 - Karen Luise Knudsen
2022 - Rajiv Nigam
2023 - Frans Jorissen

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