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Allogromia sp.




Bigenerina irregularis


Radotruncana calcarata


Globotruncana falsostuarti


Muricohedbergella flandrini


Haynesina germanica (deformed)


Haynesina germanica


Rugoglobigerina rugosa


Shepheardella sp.


Shepheardella sp.


Siphonina pulchra


Loxostomum pseudobeyrichi

Welcome to the Cushman Foundation

The Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Inc., was founded in 1950 by a group of dedicated scientists “to promote research on foraminifera and allied organisms” and to assure the publication of research results in its journal, originally the Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research and now the Journal of Foraminiferal Research. These journals followed in the tradition of the Contributions from the Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research published from April 1925 to December 1949 by Joseph A. Cushman (1881-1949).

cushman foundation for foraminiferal research


The Cushman Foundation is pleased to welcome student members with a no-cost student membership category that includes an online-only subscription to the premier international journal on foraminifera, The Journal of Foraminiferal Research.

When requesting gratis memberships, students must complete this application form, which will include the name of their institution and the email address of their advisor for verification. This information will be confirmed by the Cushman Foundation business office at KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. and then student members will be provided log-in information for journal access.

We look forward to your participation in our scientific community!



Recent News



Discounted prices to CFFR and TMS members!! Online and in-person options are available.

Early-bird & abstract submission will be open from the 13th of January 2025 until the 7th of March 2025, and late registration will be available until the 7th of April 2025.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail the local committee at

Registration fees include the icebreaker (June 10), conference fees to attend scientific sessions (June 11-12) with two lunches, coffee breaks, and a conference gift. The Conference Dinner (June 11) and Field trip (June 10) are optional and require additional costs.

Call for Applications for Student/Early Career Directors of the Cushman Foundation

The Cushman Foundation’s Board of Directors seeks applications from doctoral student and early career members of the Cushman Foundation to join the Board as a Student/Early Career Director for a two-year term, from Jan. 1, 2026–Dec. 31, 2027. Student Directors must have completed the first year of a PhD program. Early Career Directors must be within the first four years of having completed a PhD degree from the time of graduation to the start of the term of office.

Student/Early Career Directors have full voting rights and participation in the control and management of the property and affairs of the Foundation. One Student/Early Career Director is elected each year, and the term of office is two calendar years. Student Directors are expected to attend the Cushman Foundation’s annual business meeting, held on the day before the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. This year, the Foundation’s Board meeting will be on Saturday, October 18, from 1:00-5:00, and we would like the newly elected Student/Early Career Director to attend. Travel, GSA registration, and hotel costs for the Student/Early Career Directors’ participation in Board and GSA Meetings will be paid for by the Cushman Foundation. Note that Directors are not eligible to apply for research or travel grants from the Foundation.

If you wish to apply, please send: 1) your curriculum vitae; 2) letter of recommendation from your Ph.D. advisor; and 3) a statement of your professional goals, your interest in the study of foraminifera, and why you would like to join the Board of Directors. Please email your application package to Brian Huber at by August 15, 2025.

Past Events

NAPC Session Invitation

We invite you to submit an abstract to our session “Proxies, sedimentologic indicators and biotic effects of Oceanic Anoxic Events through the geologic record” for the North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC24; . The meeting will be held from 17-21 June 2024 at the University of Michigan. The abstract submission deadline is 11:59 PM EST, Saturday, 20 January 2024.

Overview: Periods of widespread Oceanographic Anoxic Events (OAEs) have occurred many times in Earth’s geological past and some have coincided with mass extinctions. This session will include case studies of OAE intervals during, e.g., the late Devonian, end-Permian, early Toarcian, mid-Cretaceous, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the modern ocean, with overviews of the modern and ancient factors that caused widespread OA and key forcing factors such as volcanic outgassing of CO2 and high nutrient flux to the ocean. Case studies will discuss the duration of the OAE events as well as the effect on regional and global marine biota. The session will end with discussion of model predictions for widespread future eutrophication because of, e.g., high rates of CO2 and methane input into the atmosphere and global warming.


cushman foundation for foraminiferal research

TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting

This is a reminder that the deadlines for EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION and ABSTRACT SUBMISSION for the TMS-CFFR Foraminifera Spring Meeting in Cologne (May 21-24) are approaching fast. Early Bird registration ends on March 15; abstract submission will be possible until the end of March.  foram-spring24 (

Session 1: Evolution and ecology of planktonic foraminifera
Session 2: Advances in geochemical proxy research in foraminifera, and integration with taxonomic data
Session 3: Applied Micropaleontology: Big Solutions from Small Fossils
Session 4: Benthic foraminifera in extreme habitats: adaptations and response to changes
Session 5: Modern and fossil benthic foraminifera used as indicators for rapidly changing environments
Session 6: Using foraminiferal monitoring to assess environmental variability

Best regards, Patrick (on behalf of the organizing and scientific committees)

Patrick Grunert Professor for Micropalaeontology and Palaeoecology Otto-Fischer-Straße 14 50674 Cologne Germany Tel.: +49-221-470-76319

Cushman Foundation Award Winners

To recognize outstanding achievement in research into the field of foraminiferology, the Cushman Foundation conducts many prestigious award programs. Awards have been established for students and professionals to promote research advancement.

Journal Of Foraminiferal Research

Journal of Foraminiferal Research

The Journal of Foraminiferal Research is the official publication of the Cushman Foundation, where original papers of international interest in foraminifera and allied groups of organisms. Online access to JFR is available to all active members of the Cushman Foundation.

Journal of Foraminiferal Research Special Issues

The Journal of Foraminiferal Research plans two special issues honoring the uncountable contributions of Marty Buzas to micropaleontology. Please consider contributing to these special issues by submitting appropriately themed manuscripts to the JFR online editorial system by February 1 or August 1, 2023. Contact with any questions.

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Donate to Cushman Foundation

The Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research exists to promote research and provide a forum to publish scientific advancement of foraminifera and allied organisms. Please consider a donation to support our Foundation, in general, or to support a specific Cushman Foundation fund promoting awards and scholarship.

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